EnergyConnect invests tens of millions in Sunraysia businesses
Construction of the western alignment of Australia’s largest transmission project EnergyConnect is providing a major economic boost to communities and local businesses across Sunraysia. Transgrid and its construction partner ...
Transmission towers – Wagga Wagga to Dinawan
There are 334 towers between Wagga Wagga, NSW and Dinawan near Coleambally and the towers on this line will all be Danubio towers. Project EnergyConnect is using Danubio towers because the ...
Out of Hours Work Notification for Buronga Substation
Construction activities are progressing on the Western section of EnergyConnect including the extension of the Buronga substation on Arumpo Road near Transgrid’s existing substation. Once completed, it will be ...
Arrival of more key equipment marks leap forward for the energy transition
Australia’s largest electricity project EnergyConnect has taken another leap forward with the arrival of key components of two synchronous condensers. EnergyConnect will allow energy to be shared between NSW, ...
Construction Notification Water Fill Points
As part of the EnergyConnect project, we have commenced construction activities on the Eastern section of the project including construction of access points and access tracks, clearing and grubbing and ...
Work Outside Approved Construction Hours – Western Section
As part of the EnergyConnect project, we are continuing construction activities on the Western section of the project including construction of access points and access tracks, clearing and grubbing and ...
Out Of Hours Work Construction Notification on the Eastern alignment
As part of the EnergyConnect project, we have commenced construction activities on the Eastern section of the project including construction of access points, access tracks and clearing and grubbing activities, ...
Construction activities to commence on the Eastern alignment
SecureEnergy, an Elecnor led project, will be commencing first construction activities on the Eastern section of EnergyConnect from Buronga to Wagga Wagga in July 2023. This includes construction of access points ...
Powering Ahead
Have a look at Nine News coverage of the logistics involved in getting a key piece of equipment to our Buronga Substation in Western NSW without a hitch. https://twitter....
SecureEnergy is launching a new ‘earn while you learn’ training opportunity
Do You Like Working At Heights? SecureEnergy is launching the Legacy 100 initiative. This program aims to attract up to 100 candidates to complete a Certificate II in Transmission Line Construction to ...